Website Disclaimer

The information shared on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. The medical information does not amount to advice, and if advice is needed, appropriate professional help should be sought. This website is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment or any medical problem, consult a qualified, registered physician.

The publishers and authors are not responsible for any specific health or medical conditions that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following any and all information on this website.

No warranties or representations are given in respect of the medical information, and the website owners should not be held liable if a user suffers any injury or loss after relying upon the medical information. References are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of any other websites or other sources.


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